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quiz Game of the Thrones

The "A Song of Ice and Fire" saga, which is the name of the series of books on which the Game of the Thrones series is based, is too complex and multi-leveled to fit all possible characters in one test. However, the main ones are taken into account in this survey. When choosing an answer, be honest with yourself first of all. Please note that the answers are analyzed, to a greater extent, based on the characters of the book characters. They do not always and not in everything coincide with television.

Mihailo Dimitrovski (TheMico) is taken as an illustration of the characters. They are more original than the boring cinematic images. And most importantly, they are more in line with the characters that Martin came up with.


Answer twelve simple questions to find out who you are in Game of the Thrones.

1. Do you think that death is a worthy reward for betrayal?

yes, sure

death is not enough, first let him suffer

it all depends on the specific case

try to understand and forgive

why immediately death? Maybe this person is still useful?

yes, I can just hurt, not like a betrayal


2. Is it possible to make an alliance with an old enemy if circumstances have changed?

no, the enemy is the enemy

there are no friends or enemies - only interests

yes, if it helps to save the people who trusted me

only if there is no blood of my loved ones on his hands


3. Are you able to sacrifice your reputation to save strangers?

yes, even if no one knows about my feat

no these people are not my friends or family

I can make a sacrifice, but I want at least recognition

I'm not capable of sacrifice at all


4. End justifies the means?

it all depends on what the goal and what means


no, it's a slippery slope that leads to crime

any means are good if the end is not dictated by selfishness


5. Are you able to devote your life to another person?

yes, if it is a worthy person

only to someone close to you

I am a separate person. I can take care of others without forgetting about myself

no, my interests are most important to me


6. The interests of the majority are more important than the interests of the minority?

unless it's about life and death. It is not ethical to sacrifice the lives of people for the sake of saving even more others


my own interests are most important

the main thing is the interests of my family


7. Is debt important?

the main thing is love

yes. This oath or promise must be kept regardless of the circumstances

the main thing is a duty to your family

what is that word anyway?


8. Is it acceptable to condemn a member of your family if their actions go against your plans?

no, a native person is a native person

only if it harmed the interests of society and the state

yes, if he personally betrayed me


9. You need to reach your goal...

carefully, small steps

move quickly, despite obstacles

I carefully build my game, if necessary I can take a step back, then to take two steps forwar

I prefer measured, but continuous walking

all goals are but vanity. The most important things in life are free


10. Happiness is...

when all is well with you and your loved ones

fulfillment of my desires

when all (or at least most) people are happy

... a mug of good beer or wine


11. The secret of success in...

unconditional faith in yourself

support of your clan

good legacy

the ability to manage people like figures in kaivassa


12. Are you capable of dooming a stranger to certain death if it saves the life of you and your loved ones?

no, this price will affect everyone in the future

yes, the life of my relatives or friends comes first

there must be another option when everyone survives

relatives? Who is this? The main thing is my own life



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