In fact, there are only two of them: time and money.
However, if you decipher it a little, it is:
- Availability of a marketing strategy.
- Using several promotion tools at the same time.
Surely, you have met people who claim that advertising on the Internet does not work. They personally tried it. At the same time, such giants as Google somehow make money from it. How so? Maybe something went wrong with these people?
When you start to look into it, it turns out that they came with a budget of 200 bucks and a desire to advertise all over the world. At the same time expecting immediate results. In addition, they are very surprised that no one in this whole world wanted to buy their product or order a service. Ungrateful!
“This PPC, I’m sorry, doesn’t work, - they then complain. - Let's go to SEO”
Yeah. The situation will repeat there.
Well, you must admit that you have met such people. Have you met?
Now about how it should be.
First, you need to clearly understand what you are offering and to whom. All these marketing mantras about the target audience, market research, competitor analysis, unique selling proposition, a clear understanding of the client’s profile, etc. - not an empty phrase. However, many advertising customers sincerely believe that their product is suitable for everyone. So what? Good cats - take them! Why segment your audience?
Now the main thing. I’m sure everyone has already heard the concept of “Black Swan”. It sounds from every irony, usually in relation to the topic of COVID-19. Nassim Taleb introduced it in his book on randomness.
So advertising and advertising on the Internet, in particular, is generally (using his terminology) a “Black Swan” zone. Those, we only think we know something. We, advertisers, too. After all, you can’t show your uncertainty to your client. You need to put on a smart face and puff out your cheeks. Nevertheless, in reality, it is impossible to predict anything in advance. Your predictions can only coincide by chance. And you will present this accident as foresight. We only have a set of tools, each of which can shoot. Or maybe not.
The “Black Swan” nature of advertising is that it is a zone with a great influence of chance. With retrospective predictability. This is when advertisers and marketers like to analyze past advertising campaigns for errors or successful decisions. Moreover, yes, in any type of promotion, be it SEO, SMM or PPC, 99% of success goes to 1%
“What then?” - you ask.

That's how. And that's why time, money and several tools at the same time.
The secret of success in the “Black Swan” zone is constant experimentation. You need to go through different tools (And approaches within tools. SEO is a constant experiment), look for the key to an advertising campaign. And all this requires time and money. The more you have of both, the greater your chances of success. This is the harsh truth.
The legendary American entrepreneur John Wanamaker said: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” And it is actually impossible to know this. This is also, why, if you spent 1000 $ and got 10 clients, this does not mean that after spending 100 you will get one. This kind of math doesn't work.
In addition, using one promotion tool, for example SMM, is like rowing with one hand. You won't get far. You need to use your other hand, and preferably both legs.
Once again, conclusions:
Be patient. Time and money. Success will not come immediately. However, if you experiment and use several promotion tools at once, eventually you will end up in the top 1%.