On the other hand, why promotion customers don’t want to pay for the creation of the semantic core of the website.
With this, everything is clear. They believe that they themselves know everything perfectly well. In addition, that SEO-specialists are just very greedy people.
However, promotion customers are wrong! True, only in the first case.
I will immediately list all the reasons to order keywords selection, and then I will analyze each one separately.
- Eliminate intersections of meanings.
- The actual words that customers enter into the search engine may differ from those suggested by the owner of business.
- SEO-specialist will select words based on search engine statistics, and, among other things, analyze their specificity (popularity, and hence the level of difficulty of promotion).
- A specialist can choose words for your region.
- The marketing component is to analyze what sells best for your niche.
- The specialist will analyze hidden (related) requests.
- Using special tools, an Internet marketer can analyze which words competitors are promoting.

Eliminate intersections of meanings.
Words can have a dual purpose. Especially phrases.
May differ from what the customer thinks. For example, you, as a specialist, undoubtedly know your business well. Moreover, you think that people will search for your product or service with the same smart words as you would. This is usually not the case.
A search engine optimization specialist does not suck the semantic core out of thin air. He uses many, including paid, tools. Among other things, statistics provided directly by search engines. For example, Google and Yandex. Where he, the SEO specialist, can estimate their frequency. After all, it is not always possible and it makes sense to “pump up” the most competitive (high-frequency) queries. Just like LF (low frequency) may not bring the expected traffic and profit.
It makes sense to understand which words work best for you from a geographic perspective. The simplest example: if you work in one city, say Gotham, then perhaps “Gotham dentistry” is better than just “dentistry”.
Marketing component
So about dentistry. Some words may sell better. Often a general request is much less selling than a specific one. The same “dentistry”. What did the person want? He need dentist or want to be a dantist? In addition, if he wrote, “Pulling a tooth in Gotham” - this is a specific commercial request.
LSI queries
These are such requests... mmm. Latent. Hidden. Related. They are not always obvious. For example, for a movie theater, the main queries could be “cinema in Gotham”, “Gotham cinema” or movie titles. And hidden queries: “where to spend an evening with a girl” and “first date”.
In addition, the most interesting thing: ideally, you can find out exactly what queries your competitors use in their promotion. Moreover, adapt to them. Alternatively, conversely, rebuild.
Conclusion: Don't trust yourself, don't be greedy. Entrust the selection of the semantic core to a specialist. It's not expensive at all. Mistakes will cost much more. After all, the content of the website and promotion not only with the help of SEO, but also with the help of contextual advertising (as an option) will depend on this core.